This year, we gave ownership of a 2 by 8 foot raised bed to our four and a half year old daughter Lillian. She illustrated a plan for what she wanted to grow in the early spring and we have been planting things ever since.
Last weekend we made a sign for her garden. I can't say the idea was original; my friend (and amazing birthworker) Eliza just made something similar for her daughter.
Using an old piece of treated lumber, Alex fashioned a stake. He screwed a piece of cherry plywood (still lots of leftovers from the countertops) on to the post and then helped Lil hammer in some nails. Nails aren't necessary, but that's how she wanted to do it and it's her sign.
We gave Lil the choice of a few colors and not surprisingly she chose pink paint. She loved using the spray paint and left only a small patch of pink grass in her wake.
The next day we painted letters from the craft store with acrylic paint. I glued these to the pink sign, waited for them to dry, and then sprayed the whole thing with clear coat.
I think the sign could use a little prettying up around the edges, but it is adorable none the less. It will be proudly on display at our Open House Saturday June 5 from 11 am - 1 pm. Please come!