Head High on the Fourth of July!

We visited the other garden last Tuesday.  Look what we found: corn growing in urban community gardenCorn!!

corn taller than preschoolerCorn that hides Lil the corn princess!

corn tassels on homegrown plantEars of corn with tassels!

urban garden corn shoulder highCorn with whispy leaves taller than me!

small golden nugget squash on plantBaby squash lacing through the corn and...

heart shaped sweet potato leaves...heart shaped sweet potato leaves winding their way through the squash!

Our community garden plot is growing according to plan; mostly it takes care of itself.  Here's hoping the rest of the summer proceeds with fairly normal weather so that we might harvest great gobs of corn, squash, and potatoes to put up for the winter.

I love America, a place where there's still room to sow seeds of change, where one can nurture gardens and hopes.  Happy Independence Day!