When we need a kitchen tool, the first place we stop is right in the neighborhood at Wasserstrom Restaurant Supply. You can see it from I-71 between Hudson and Weber Road exits, but few home cooks know the restaurant equipment store is open to the public.
In fact, individuals are quite welcome for the warehouse shopping experience. The large show room at Wasserstrom has few frills beyond the free popcorn at the door. The sales staff is friendly and always accommodating to questions.
Wasserstrom carries nearly everything a standard restaurant could need and in turn nearly everything a home cook could want. Our kitchen is filled with Wasserstrom purchases: commercial grade hand blender, cylinder sausage stuffer, chinoise, stainless steel work tables, glassware, flour storage bins, and plastic squeeze bottles. There are home cook recognizable name brands represented at Wasserstrom but everything is of the highest functional quality.
There is a clearance section in the back corner that is not to be missed. Everything from single glassware pieces to beverage coolers are available with discount prices.
Next time you're in Columbus and in need of a pot or cooking thermometer or parchment paper or walk-in cooler, check out Wasserstrom.