Between our vacation and Alex's brother's wedding yesterday, it's been almost a month since our last meal plan! I miss knowing what's for dinner, the practice of preparing things ahead of time, and the routine of dining at our table.
Monday - capellini pasta with friend foraged morels, zucchini ala Basi Italia
Tuesday - dinner with Cbus Mom and her gang
Wednesday - roast chicken, broccoli, potatoes
Thursday - pantry tomato soup, grilled cheese
Friday - chorizo and chicken sopitos
Saturday - homemade pizza
Sunday - Mother's Day - I'll let the father of the house make plans. Hear that, Alex?
PS. Sorry for the unrelated picture. I realized this morning that I didn't put any pictures of the bride and groom in the handmade wedding recap! Here they are just before seeing each other in their wedding finery for the first time.
Added to menu plan monday.