July 25, 2011 {Meal Plan}

Ingredients & Inspiration:

  • It's still really hot. We are planning lots of low-cooking time dishes.
  • Alex's birthday is Tuesday!
  • Fresh peppers (nardello and pepperoncini), green beans, violet jasper tomatoes, and herbs in the garden.


Monday - green bean pad thai

Tuesday - Alex's wishes - maybe sushi out?

Wednesday - BLTs with homemade bread, bacon, and aoili, and fruit salad

Thursday - Grilled fish, bok choi, and sweet potatoes

Friday - Pork belly roast (in preparation for a Pork Board giveaway!), beets, cornichons, new potato salad

Saturday - Rachel teaching pizza class in the morning, hosting 'It Couldn't Be...' dinner for Foodbuzz

Sunday - Birthday seafood boil for Alex and Rachel's sister Megan - crawfish, lobster, clams, potatoes, corn