1) Amy Turn Sharp's essay Teeth Never Die nibbled it's way into my head and required re-reading after Lil lost her first tooth this week. Amy's is no parenting prattle but a trip down a twisted memory lane.
2) In Op Ed: The Raw and the Deep-Fried, Bear of Slow Food Columbus elevates a New York Times op-ed about TV stars Tony Bourdain and Paula Dean to a call to action around the truth of the state of American cooking: we want to believe in the characters Bourdain and Dean portray but we do not want to cook well and cheaply.
3) Michael Procopio of Food for the Thoughtless connects vampires, self-image, and chicken with humor and a great recipe in his post Die, Vampire, Die.
4) I read the New York Times article Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue? on Sunday morning and have not stopped thinking about it since. The women in my family (Lil and myself included!) are prone to indecision and this article clues me in to why and how to live with it. Fascinating stuff.
5) Bloggers Without Borders launched this week with A Fund for Jennie, to benefit the Perillo family after the tragic death of Mike (who loved peanut butter pie). Bloggers Without Borders is a nonprofit agency that gives legitimacy and support to fund raisers and networking among bloggers in need.
BONUS 6) First Food is Real Food Justice popped into my reader just before the Friday Five roundout was scheduled to run. Civil Eats gets it right again with this post about how newborns in food deserts also lack in breastfeeding rates.
What great words did you read this week?