I am writing for the newly formed Technorati Women's Channel. I will publish articles there about parenting, mothering, and non-food news. You can find all my technorati articles through my profile. This article is too important not to share both places. Article first published as Blackboards and Benches to Help Haiti on Technorati.
The earth-quake ravaged country of Haiti never seems to leave the news. Starting in early November, pictures and accounts of the cholera outbreak filled the media. Last week, reports focused on the controversial Haitian election, now believed to be fundamentally sound.
With so much desperate news, it is easy to be bewildered by the overwhelming needs of the Haitian people.
That's how Columbus Ohio writer of Snapdragon Ink, Joanne Edmundson, felt after visiting Croix-des-Bouquets with the Ohio State University based Haiti Empowerment Project. Immediately upon her return, she mused about the difficulty of witnessing such poverty and relative wealth.