Today is my final guest post as my time as a teacher at Franklin Park is winding down. Fellow chicken-lover and charcutier Rachell Bernhardt from Land of B contributes a post today about kefir. Kefir is one food we have never made for ourselves but I am inspired by her words to get started soon!
Cliff and I have a variety of things bubbling on the counter and in the fridge. One of those things is kefir. I took a yogurt, kefir, and butter class at Whole Foods offered by Snowville Creamery. We had already taken a great butter making class at The North Market offered by Snowville. Warren who teaches the classes has business cards that say he's a dairy evangelist and he truly is. We had a thorough lecture on milk and milk fat, patuerization, and homogenzation.
Kefir is a fermented milk drink loaded with probiotics and other great stuff for your insides. It is made from what are called grains, that really look like cauliflower. The grains are cultured at room temperature in fresh milk for 24-36 hours. Then the grains are strained from the kefir. The kefir goes in the fridge and the grains get more fresh milk to start the process over.
One of the cool things about kefir is that the grains grow each time they are cultured. So, there's always some to share with friends! The grains we got from Snowville have been in use since 1978. If you are interested in getting some grains comment below to let me know and I'll contact you when we have more. View the picture slide show with descriptions.