Cider Pressing Party
This Saturday, November 6, we will host a casual cider pressing party at our home, 349 Tibet Rd Columbus OH 43202. Drop in between 2 and 4 p.m. to help make cider, have a taste or two, make apple rings, and play at the homestead.
We'll have a donation jar out for anyone who cares to contribute to the cost of the apples and the press.
Local Turkeys Available for Pre-order
It's time to talk turkey again. Many specialty grocers and groups are pre-ordering locally raised birds. Here are some of your options:
Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Association - Pasture raised at Fox Hollow Farm and Tea Hill Farm ($3.79/#), pre-order by November 6.
Hills Market - Amish ($1.99/#), Bowman and Landes ($2.99/#), or Pastured Organic from Tea Hill($4.99/#)
Weilands Market - Bowman and Landes, pre-made turkey dinners
North Market Poultry and Game - Bowmand and Landes
Winter Farmer's Markets
Locally grown produce, meats, and handmade goods are available year round at a number of indoor farmer's markets. Many are opening this week including:
Columbus Winter Farmer's Market - Held roughly every other week at the Clintonville Women's Club, 3941 N High St Columbus 43214 starting this Saturday, November 6 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Pearl Alley - The 2010- 2011 Winter Pearl Market will be held every Tuesday & Friday from 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. from Tuesday November 2 through Friday February 25, 2011. Location: 33 N. Third Street
Worthington - Open November 20, December 11, and every Saturday January 8 through April 30 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Griswold Center, 777 N High St. Worthington
and of course the North Market is open 7 days a week.
If I am forgetting any turkey sources or winter markets, please let me know in the comments or by email so I can update this list!
PS. THANK YOU to all who voted for Issue 4 to fund Columbus libraries. It passed!