Momo Sake {Recipe for Peach Week}

momo sake peach drink recipeWelcome to Peach Week! I declare it so because peaches are in season in Ohio and I love them! Before I get to the fruit of today's post, let me introduce the creator of the recipe, Anna. Anna is a 20 year old Japanese college student staying with us for two weeks. She is a chaperone to a group of 100 Japanese youth staying with host families throughout the state of Ohio. Anna was matched with our family because she like gardening, agriculture, and cooking.

When Anna arrived at our home Thursday evening, I showed her the peach (momo in Japanese) juice leftovers from Wednesday's peach canning extravaganza. With two other ingredients from the fridge, Anna showed me how to make Momo Sake, a delightfully refreshing summer drink.

Her pairing of peach nectar and sake is something I never would have arrived at myself. Cross cultural tastes are one of the things I love about hosting exchange students - they introduce us to the most delicious ideas.



Momo Sake

2 ounces seishu sake or shochu (Anna prefers shochu, I like sake)

2 ounces peach nectar

4 ounces club soda, or to taste

one half cup ice cubes

1. Fill a high ball glass with a half cup of ice cubes.

2. Pour sake, peach nectar, and club soda over ice. Stir vigorously with a spoon for 5-10 seconds.

3. Enjoy!


Stay tuned for sweet and juicy stories during Peach Week, including a review of Branstool orchard, peach cobbler recipe, and tips for canning.


PS. The pork giveaway ends tonight, Monday, at 8 pm. Leave a quick comment for a chance to win a cool piggy cutting board, $25 gift card, and more!

Fruit Blossoms and How I Care for Them

peach tree blossom care No flower is more welcomed in my garden than the first buds of our fruit trees and bushes.  With the warmth of the past few days, the peach trees in the treeyard bloomed.

strawberry blossomI spotted a strawberry flower in the bed yesterday.  These beautiful flowers will soon develop into sweet nutritious fruit. dwarf cherry blossomThe dwarf cherry has buds just waiting to burst.  I have no idea what to expect out of these knee high trees.  They are purported to produce edible fruit and time will tell whether that is true.

plum tree leaves Leaves on the plum tree are unfurling.  Because this is the first year for the plum, with a heavy heart I will pinch off any blossoms before they go to fruit.  Allowing the tree to grow with no fruit for at least one full season helps it establish roots, branches, and height. raspberry vinesRaspberry vines are growing and leafed out.  I buried several vines to establish some new plants. The blueberry bushes are just starting to sent out leaflets.

A part of me lives in terror this time of year.  A good hard frost can ruin the growing season for all of these fruits.  I follow forecasts looking for evening temperatures below 32 degrees.

The beauty of living on a tiny urban homestead is that I can cover these trees and plants if there is a frost warning.  I pull out sheets and tarps, anchor them with rocks, and give a little protective insulation to my precious fruit blossoms.

Once past May 15, the frost free date for central Ohio, I let down my frost guard.  The fruits slowly grow.  I keep an eye out for pests that might be invading and will treat accordingly, though I've never had any problems.

When fruits are just barely mature, changing from chartreuse to full color, my blood pressure rises again.  I want the juicy sweet berries and fruit for myself and my family.  Squirrels and birds have the same desire.  To reap the full harvest, I cover the strawberries, blueberries and raspberries with bird netting.  We reuse netting from year to year, getting our money's worth out of the $7 investment.  When I am ready for berries, I lift the netting or pick right through it.

This will be our first year allowing the peach and cherry trees to fruit.  I hope that pests will not be a problem either during development or harvest time.  I am armed with information from Mother Earth News and Back to Basics should I need to naturally treat animals invading my micro-orchard.

Keeping fruit trees is an emotional process for me.  I love fruit so very much that I take special, some might say obsessive, care of my plants.

Do you have fruit trees?  How do you care for them?