Eggshell Seedlings

The lovely Catherine of Photo Kitchen came over last week to take photographs for Hounds in the Kitchen Egg Week. After blowing out eggs, dying with natural dyes, and baking a dutch baby, we were left with an excess of shells.

empty eggshells for seedlings

We could have tossed the shells in the compost. Instead, we aimed to recreate some easter eggshell planters Lil has been coveting at the big box home improvement store.

dirt in eggshells

All we did was fill an eggshell with potting material and a few seeds for Lil's favorite herb, chives. Then we watered the shells and placed them under lights with the rest of our seedlings.

planting seeds in eggshells

After the frost free date, we will transplant the whole set up into a bed outside. The calcium rich shell with break apart and dissolve in the soil, giving nutrients to the plant.

I would not advise planting carrots or other root vegetables in eggshells because they need unencumbered space to grow straight down. Most other seeds are fair game for starting in shells.

If you don't have a grow light, try planting a few dry beans in shells in a sunny window. Though beans don't need to be started indoors, they are very quick to sprout and grow fast enough to satisfy even the most impatient child.

All photos with the Photo Kitchen watermark belong to Catherine and were generously shared with me. You may purchase copies and view the whole set of photographs in the online gallery. Use the coupon code houndscrossover to receive 25% off prices until May 15.


Added to Simple Lives Thursday 40th Edition.

Easter Weekend Workout

We weren't in a gym, but Alex, Lil and I exercised our bodies this weekend!  We were outside almost all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  We're exhausted and exhilarated.  Here's what happened:

The deck was torn down.  Lucky for us, the builders were poor at concrete setting and posts came out fairly easily.  They also used subpar techniques for covering the crawl space and we got to replace wood on the sides of the house; not so lucky.

hounds in the kitchenAlex built new stairs.

hounds in the kitchen, raised bedI built a raised bed from some reclaimed deck wood.  And I took a crummy picture. The sun was setting and I was TIRED.

backyard chickens, farm fresh eggsOur hens gave us three eggs yesterday. It's fascinating to me that each breed has a different egg shape and color. From top to bottom, these eggs are from the Sussex, Australorp, and Orpington breeds.

hounds in the kitchen, free range kidsLil played in a post hole.  Why not?

Lil and the dogs hunted for Easter eggs this morning.

We planted one potato tower, two potato buckets, and one straw bale potato bed.  We have even more seed potatoes to plant in our rented plot.

I dug furrows and planted three asparagus crowns in the new raised bed.  I also tucked three crowns into the strawberry bed.  I'll write more about asparagus later because it's a fascinating plant.

We hiked, slowly and with many stops, around Highbanks Park today, studying wildflowers, birds, and the sound rocks make when thrown in streams.

hounds in the kitchenWe shared dinner with my parents and sisters, Alex's parents and brother, and two of my grandparents.  Lil was showered with more gifts including the bunny above, hand sewn by my grandmother.

Our faces are sun kissed and the floor inside is muddy.  Dirt and seeds have new homes as we have new stairs to walk upon.  It was a great weekend.  How was yours?