Eating Before Christmas December 19, 2011 {Meal Plan}

children making a gingerbread houseIt's here! The week of treats and gifts and family! We're trying to eat vegetable-heavy, non-holiday food as much as possible to balance the feasts that will come at the end of the week.

Meal Plan:

Monday - homemade chorizo and bean burritos with guacamole, salsa, and spinach

Tuesday - pad thai with bean sprouts and tuna chunks

Wednesday - homemade pizza

Thursday - Solstice Party in the morning. We're serving sun bread and chicken noodle soup. Eggs, waffles, and fruit salad for dinner

Friday - dinner with family at Lima's Lock Sixteen Restaurant

Saturday - hosting Xmas Eve dinner of roast goose and duck, mushroom pie, au gratin potatoes, kale and sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and popovers

Sunday - 'Ethnic Roll-up' potluck dinner wherein everyone will bring their favorite rolled foreign food. We're making pork tamales. Other dishes that might show up include sushi, lasagna rolls, stuffed grape leaves, cabbage rolls, and stromboli.

What are you planning to eat this week?

Christmas Eve Menu 2010

hand decorated child's apronPlanning for our annual English-style Christmas Eve Dinner began back in August when we ordered a fresh goose from Cota Farms.  We pick up the bird at noon and will be cooking all day.  Lil will help cook in her newly dyed and embroidered apron, an early present from me. This year our entire immediate family is joining us for this menu:

First course

Green salad

Roasted local pumpkin soup

Passed entrée and sides

Stuffed roasted goose with sour cherry sauce

Mushroom and walnut dressing

Roasted root vegetable medley of potatoes, parsnips, beets, and fennel

Orange-cranberry sauce



Buche de Noel

What are you cooking and eating tonight?