The house we were pining over has another lover. In other words, it is in contract, but not with us.
Garlic sprouts are peeking out of the soil here at home and there is new growth on our many perennial plants. The yard is more attractive than it was a month ago and part of me wants to stay here to reap the harvest from our fruit trees.
Alas, we still don't have room for bees, grain fields, rabbits, or the orchard of our dreams. When the dogs bark at each person that passes by our busy sidewalk, I want to pack up and move somewhere more secluded.
There is also the consideration of Lil's schooling. We are 90% sure that we will homeschool next year but did enter the lottery for the school a block away. If, for some unforeseen reason, we need to enroll her in public school and she manages to be selected for the lottery school, it would be awfully convenient to live here.
Briefly last week we considered a rebound deal, a bigger old home on a quarter acre in an up and coming area of Columbus. Again, someone else signed a contract before we could fit in a showing.
We're unsure what our next steps will be in the home search journey. What do you think?