Hugelkultur Whatta?

hugelkultur pile instructions In reading about permaculture, one strange word comes up in book after book: hugelkultur. Hugel is for hill, kultur for culture, as in cultivation. In practice, a hugelkultur pile is a giant raised bed with a base of rotting wood.

Having an abundance of excess wood from downed limbs and trees, and needing to build beds for our seedlings, led us to experimentation with hugelkultur.

The Hulgelkultur Concept

Hulgelkultur is a prominent feature of many permaculture gardens. Hulgelkultur piles:

  • expand growing capacity in a small space,
  • encourage microclimates,
  • allow for easier harvesting,
  • retain water while allowing drainage, and
  • build nutrients over time.

The surface area on a mini-hill, as hugelkultur piles become, allow for the greater planting area. Growers traditionally plant nutrient-needing plants like tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, etc. on the top of the pile. Heat-loving greens, like collards, line the south side where sun will be heavier, and shade-tolerant plants like lettuces go on the north side.

Building Hugelkultur Piles

beginning of a hugelkultur pile

The first hulgelkultur bed I built with the help of my friend Elizabeth in late winter. We took logs from a catalpa tree with very soft wood to make the base. Next we layered in smaller branches and stomped on the top to get the branches to compact. Over the next few weeks, I shoveled wood chips in the holes left behind and placed pieces of sod, upside down, over the branches to begin building soil.

The grass began growing through the sod, so I had to go back and shake out the soil piece by piece. This was tedious, but I couldn't have grasses stealing nutrients from the edibles I intended to plant. I added some soil and compost from Price Farms and planted in early May.

Later, after clearing away wood from the honey locust tree we had cut down, a big depression was left where the trunk fell. A big depression in full sun with the grass already dead? Sounds like the beginnings of another hugelkultur!

hugelkultur pile with leaveshugel kultur pile plantedchild showing height of hugelkultur pile

This time I was more careful to use rotten logs and grade them finely so the pile is more compact. I layered in leaf litter instead of woodchips because that's what we had in abundance.

Tips for Building Hugelkultur

  • Build in the off season to allow weather to help settle everything in. Holes may appear that need to be filled.
  • Digging the bottom out a little helps the layering but building right on top of the grass layer creates a higher bed.
  • Quickly-rotting soft woods will build beds faster.
  • Avoid materials that can leach toxins into your garden. Don't use painted or treated woods. I couldn't find definitive evidence or experience with this, but unless you have no other material available, I wouldn't use black walnut which releases juglone, toxic to plants like tomatoes and peppers.
  • Build the base at least three feet wide and ideally four feet wide. Smaller widths will not hold much material on top and wider will not allow access to the middle where plants can best grow.

Our Experiments

Our second hulgelkultur is oriented opposite of the first which creates drastic differences in sunlight exposure. Both piles have tomatoes, peppers, and beans growing in them along with other plants. They piles are easy to tend, being several feet off the ground. I'm not worried about flooding in the hugelkultur piles whereas I am worried about flooding elsewhere in our low yard.

hugelkultur pile as seen from the top

Time will tell how these hugelkultur compare to each other and to the rest of the garden made of lasagna-type beds. I predict they will be less productive in this first year as relatively fresh wood decomposes and pulls some nitrogen out of the soil. In the long term, however, I think our 'stick mound things', as guests sometimes refer to them, may become the most productive areas of our garden.

Eggs In Every Basket - Gardening 2013

radish seedlings

Unlike 2012, and 2011, and 2010, we have no garden plans this year.

We certainly have lots of seeds and lots of seedlings and lots of perennial edibles. But instead of a predestined place, our strategy seems to be "this plant will die if it doesn't go in the ground now, better build a bed!"

So it was with the hoophouse - we invited people over for a build and later decided we should actually use the thing. We layered soil and peat moss over cardboard and planted cold-hearty vegetables.

Then strawberries were available at City Folk's Farm Shop. Oooh! We want to grow those but where to put them? Hoophouse sounds good and perhaps the plastic will protect the sweet berries from hungry rodents and birds.

Same with the potatoes and onions. The time to plant came upon us and we quickly put together the first pieces of a keyhole garden for family vegetables.

The placement of the orchard, in a sunny, well-drained location toward the rear of the property, was set in our minds a few months ago. We planted there in rows for lack of a better idea. We hope to eventually put in alley crops and understory edibles ala Restoration Agriculture. If the deer ravage the back orchard, we're raising three fruit trees in the chicken yard for insurance.

So far, we've double dug planting holes, tilled beds, built a hugelkultur pile (more on that later), built a raised bed for root vegetables, and made many lasagna-style beds including Lil's garden pictured below. Our soil building materials included straw, Price Organics premium soil blend, and Zoo Brew from City Folk's Farm Shop, peat moss from the big box hardware store, and composted leaves and rabbit poo salvaged from yards.

child keyhole garden

Garden Goals

Though we don't have a pretty plan, we do have a clear set of long-term goals:

1) Convert lawn to growing edible, habitat, or ornamental plants

2) Choose perennial and native varieties wherever possible

3) Plant a diversity of species in a diversity of growing spaces

4) Co-exist with the natural environment including remediating low areas to more wetland-like habitat

5) Garden with ecological and permaculture principles in mind

6) Save seeds for economy, biodiversity, and micro-climate adapatation

Ultimately, we want to provide our family with a sustainable, year-round food supply and welcome others to learn from the example gardens we create.

Consequences of Experimental Gardening

This seemingly haphazard way of planting may or may not work out for us. Certainly some plants will thrive while others may not be so lucky. Our gardening eyes may be bigger than our stomachs in terms of how many beds we can feasibly plant with the time and resources we have.

But at the end of the year, I expect we will have learned a lot about what works in the conditions we have. The eggs-in-every-basket strategy to building beds and planting over a hundred varieties of edibles will be a sort of instant natural selection. Perhaps we'll learn that deer prefer the branches of apple trees to pear trees. Or that strawberries don't receive enough pollination to fruit in the hoop house. Or that no one but humans likes collard greens.

It's all too early to tell now. Having the patience to wait and see which eggs hatch is one of the life lessons of gardening.