We leave for our Canadian back country vacation in less than two weeks!! This week's quick meals clear out the pantry and allow time for packing and planning plus lots of socializing.
Monday - Dinner with Alex's parents, bringing marinated kale salad (recipe coming soon)
Tuesday - Black bean burritos with homegrown lettuce, fruit
Wednesday - Baked macaroni and cheese, green salad
Thursday - Dinner with friends
Friday - Costco shopping trip to buy Canada provisions, bring home pizza for dinner
Saturday - Smoked meat and tofu for neighborhood get together, Whetstone fireworks after dark
Sunday - Birthday dinner for Dad, menu TBD
Meal Plan June 14, 2010
Produce from our garden is finally maturing for more regular harvests. This week's menu uses some fresh produce and some of last year's canned goods.
Monday - stuffed baked potatoes with garden green salad
Tuesday - dinner with Alex's parents - maybe chicken kabobs, lentils, rice, wilted kale
Wednesday - rotini pasta bake (home grown greens and herbs, home canned tomatoes) with mozzarella
Thursday - sweet pea risotto (home made stock, pick-your-own shell peas)
Friday - tofu pad thai with garden green beans
Saturday - Rachel goes to WordCamp during the day; Birthdays/Father's Day dinner, campfire, and camping at my aunt's horse farm
Sunday - Rachel and Alex cook backyard chicken eggs, home cured bacon, and homemade bread for breakfast; Father's Day feast for Alex and his father at our house. Lil wants the menu to be a surprise so you'll have to wait until next week!
Meal Plan May 31, 2010
We skipped a few weeks of meal planning recently and our diet has been lacking. We're hopping back on the bandwagon this week, an especially busy one.
Monday - Memorial Day - sandwiches and fruit for picnic lunch at Hoover Dam with family, leftover chicken, rice, and coleslaw for dinner
Tuesday - grill sausages, tofu, potato packet, home canned applesauce
Wednesday - Homemade bread and butter for Rachel to take to Open Heart Art summer camp orientation, fish, rice, carrot sticks for Alex and Lil
Thursday - Rachel eating dinner with Chef Druck, Alex on his own, Lil eat pasta with babysitter
Friday - Sushi Ting Restaurant
Saturday - Mint tea and homemade snacks to be determined for our Homestead Open House (11 - 1, you're coming, right?), lasagna with greens for dinner
Sunday - Family dinner and/or Asparagus Fest at Wild Goose
Meal Plan May 3, 2010
Who else is celebrating Cinco De Mayo this week? We love any excuse for food centric celebrations, so we're cooking up a Mexican inspired menu on Wednesday to share with family. I would love to hear what other people are planning.
Monday - chicken and rice (Lil's pick), grapefruit
Tuesday - buffalo burgers, mashed potatoes, salad with Alex's parents
Wednesday - Pork carnitas, rice, beans, homemade corn tortillas (my first attempt, any tips?), spinach salad, margaritas, Tecate beer.
Thursday - dinner at friends'
Friday - date night
Saturday - Open HeART open house potluck dinner - please join us! Details here.
Sunday - pad thai with tofu
Meal Plan April 19, 2010
We made it through the week without Alex! Even if I did have horrible allergies...
Do you check the weather like I do when meal planning? I like to cook warm foods when it's cold and make use of the grill when warm weather is forecast.
Monday: Lil - chicken and pasta, Rachel and Alex - $1 grilled cheese dinner at Bodega while Lil is at swimming lessons (Thanks for taking her, Mom!!)
Tuesday: Veggie fried rice and tofu
Wednesday: Pulled pork, polenta, spinach salad, Rachel - snack during SYC auction committee meeting at Northstar
Thursday: Earth Day Celebration demonstration, 4:30 pm Franklin Park, potluck dinner with friends or eat at celebration
Friday: Homemade pizzas
Saturday: OSU spring football game!! Grill fish, tofu, veggies for dinner
Sunday: Family dinner
What are you cooking this week?
PS. If you like real food, hop on over to the host of Mindful Menus, Chive Talkin', to enter a stainless steel rice cooker giveaway!
Meal Plan April 12, 2010
Alex is traveling for business this week to Connecticut and New Hampshire. I have three workshops scheduled (Food Matters Columbus event Monday, Kids Cook Thursday, and Container Planting Workshop Saturday) AND I will be helping staff the Sprout Soup store while the owners are on vacation. With all the busy-ness, Lil and I will surely have hungry tummies. I will rely on pantry items and frozen homemade food to get us through the week.
Monday - chicken leftovers for Lil, homemade bean cheese empanada from the freezer for me, applesauce, carrot sticks
Tuesday - penne with home canned tomato sauce and Parmesan
Wednesday - sandwiches, lentil soup from freezer
Thursday - dinner at friends
Friday - homemade pizzas and salad
Saturday - restaurant
Sunday - family dinner
Meal Plan March 14, 2010
As I anticipated, I am exhausted after last week's activities. This week will be at a slower pace and next week we're going on vacation!
Monday - homemade mac and cheese lunch for two blogger friends coming to visit the chickens; swordfish, broccoli, and risotto for dinner
Tuesday - homemade pizza followed by a meeting of the School for Young Children committee (Alex and I are chairs)
Wednesday - not a St. Patrick's Day menu - falafel (homemade from the freezer), roasted red potatoes, spinach salad
Thursday - 'Brinner' (breakfast for dinner) with my family celebrating my sister's partner's birthday.
Friday - teriyaki chicken, rice, steamed edamame, and Trader Joe's vegetarian potstickers (these have been rattling around the freezer for ages)
Saturday - 12 - 1:30 PM EGGstravaganza at Sprout Soup; clean out the fridge leftover dinner
Sunday - family dinner
Monday - leaving bright and early for a week of relaxation and exploration on the mid east coast including Washington DC and Chincoteague Island, Maryland. Yippee!!
Meal Plan March 8, 2010
We have so many plans this week that I am feeling exhausted just thinking about it! Our jack of all trades friend Krash is coming early tomorrow morning to install our wood burning stove, staying through Tuesday if necessary. Tuesday night I'm going to an orientation meeting for the FLOW rain barrel program.
The end of the week will be occupied with preparations for the School for Young Children scholarship benefit auction. I am in charge of organizing the donation information before and during the event; Alex and I will both volunteer at Saturday's event.
I wouldn't be surprised if a restaurant meal or two substitutes for some home cooking this week, but here are our good intentions:
Monday - homemade pizza, spinach salad and HAPPY BIRTHDAY brother in law Ben!
Tuesday - spinach feta pie, applesauce
Wednesday - chicken from Frijolito Farms, roasted red potatos from Carousel WaterGardens Farm, and the last of our homegrown golden nugget squash.
Thursday - macaroni and cheese, green beans
Friday - swordfish, risotto with peas
Saturday - sandwiches or quesadillas followed by snacks at the SYC auction
Sunday - family dinner